Dear Beloved Friend,

First, I feel sharing my oneness and gratitude to you and especially to your open heart for investing your time and trust in us. It was the day after Christmas of 2015, we got the keys for our first location of Prana Harmony. Your trust and support got us this far and we are looking forward to living this relationship forever. So thank you for your support in 2023.
So let's Start our journey together for the time ahead of us.
How are you holding up? I know cold winds and crispy nights are affecting your planet (yourself) and nature with mind, body and spirit. Nights and the moon is the ruler for this time of the season. The moon affects our mood, emotions, vitality, thoughts, so you might find yourself vulnerable emotionally and mentally. The moon is also a source and provider of nourishing our system. Our regeneration energy is active. Body is nourishing all the systems and all seven matters of our body.
We have a new moon cycle in Capricorn. Right around Jan 20th, the Sun will be the sign of Pisces and will motion towards the south pole till June 22nd. Around Feb 20th, spring will start.
Invest your time in your planet for a better yield.
Your Planet
Don't forget your discipline and responsibilities of self-care. Put your regeneration energy at work, build and boost your matter and mechanism. Devote your time to work out. Shake out laziness and restlessness.
Yes, Water is the ruler of the winter season. Drink more water than usual. Water, soup, fruit juices, oils, and liquid matter is a very good source for your health. Oil massage is a good suggestion to balance your emotions.
Our regeneration energy is active this time of the year. Body is nourishing all the systems and matters in our body. Blood, juices, muscles, flesh, bones, bone marrows, and reproductive matter. Feed yourself with healthy food, spices, edible gum, lentils, good sources of protein. Avoid drinking cold milk or cold dairy products.
Air is very crisp, clear and soothing. Practice deep breathing or adding a pranayama practice in your routine will help you with your mental and emotional faculties. Early morning before sunrise is more suitable at this time. Practice slower and deep breathing.
Are you practicing silence? Sit down in a quiet place and try to improve your listening skill. Just listen. Great knowledge is obtained by listening. Avoid unnecessary talk and conversation.
Try to wake up early. How are you doing with your meditation? Do a little workout before meditation. Focus on your breath and be watchful of breathing yourself.
"Dear God,
Show me how it feels to be brave, confident, focused, determined and positive. Guide me how to prosper and feel success with my nature and my life. I thank you in full faith."
Affirmation for the Time
"I am the center of my universe. I am focused, determined and persevere with maintenance of all of my systems."
Do your affirmation with conviction, devotion, and with clear understanding. Repeat with realization in the morning and at night before bed time.
Start your resolutions by cleansing your energy fields to boost your commitment and focus. Bring discipline and order in your lifestyle by booking your 2024 Life Path Guidance & Intuitive Energy Healing Session.
We love supporting local artists! Special thanks to Jane at Twin Rivers Photography for Indy's Portrait Series
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